Bomi Lee

Bomi Lee

Visiting Assistant Professor

University of Arkansas


I am a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas. I was part of a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research program on Women as Leaders, Policy-Makers, and Symbols. I received my BA in political science, MA in international relations from Seoul National University, and PhD in Political Science from the University of Iowa. My research focuses on international conflict. In my dissertation, Interconnected Rivalries, I examine the interdependence among interstate rivalries by focusing on triangular relationships and centrality in rivalry networks. I also have ongoing co-authored projects on climate change and interstate conflict.


  • International Conflict and Cooperation
  • Interstate Rivalry
  • Network Analysis


  • PhD in Political Science, 2021

    University of Iowa

  • MA in Political Science, 2019

    University of Iowa

  • MA in International Relations, 2013

    Seoul National University

  • BA in Political Science, 2011

    Seoul National University



Graduate Student Instructor

University of Iowa

Jan 2020 – May 2020
Taught Analyzing Political Data.

Statistical Consultant

The Iowa Social Science Research Center, University of Iowa

Aug 2019 – May 2021

Taught workshops:

  • Introduction and Data Management Using R
  • Network Visualization Using R
  • Network Analysis Using R


Introduction to Network Analysis in R

This workshop will cover a comprehensive introduction to network analysis using the R programming language. Participants will be introduced to basic network concepts, network data management, and network statistics (e.g., centrality, triad) using the igraph and Statnet packages. Following some introduction slides, participants will have chances to practice using simple toy datasets and real-world political science data (e.g., alliances). The last part of the workshop will cover network configurations in signed networks (with both positive and negative ties) using the signet package.

Network Analysis using R

This workshop covers a comprehensive introduction to analyzing network data. Participants will be introduced to techniques of network analysis such as calculating network statistics (e.g. centralities, dyad and triad census) and exponential random graph models (ERGMs).

Network Visualization using R

This workshop provides a series of examples from raw data to graph visualization in the igraph and Statnet frameworks.

Data Management using R

This workshop covers a basic introduction to the R programming language. Introduce the RStudio interface, syntax, script files, basic functions, and how to manage single and multiple datasets.



Climate Change and Conflict

Do climate variability and volatility affect interstate conflict?

Triangles in Networks

In this project, I examine whether and how various triangular relationships of rivalries and alliances affect 1) long-term interstate relationships and 2) short-term conflict propensities. Network analysis is employed to capture the various types of triangles.


Triangles, Major Powers, and Rivalry Duration

Why do some international rivalries last longer than others? Most rivalry literature focuses on the dyadic interactions within …

Disasters and the Dynamics of Interstate Rivalry

This project examines how disasters influence conflict dynamics in interstate rivalries. Drawing on the rivalry literature’s idea of …

Climate Bones of Contention: How Climate Change Influences Territorial, Maritime, and River Interstate Conflicts

Many scholars examine the relationship between climate variability and intrastate conflict onset. While empirical findings in this …

Recent & Upcoming Presentations

Recent Posts

Making Network Animations Using NDTV package

The following commands are for making a network animation using statnet and ndtv in R. Step 1: Load packages I’ll use statnet, ndtv, and rio packages to make a network gif.
